Monday 22 February 2016

Learning Theories

Activity :1:1 Learning Theories

The increase in use of Information Technology has dramatically changed teaching and learning, the increase in prominence and its accessibility has changed the way we learn and the way education and learning is taught.

Ubiquitous learning is defined as "a new educational paradigm made possible in part by the affordance of digital media".

(Cope and Kalantzis, 2008)

Individual is defined as "a single or separate".

(Wikipedia, 2016)

Ubiquitous learning ties in with how learning has changed, it is now with the emergence of technology learning has become 24/7, meaning learning is becoming more individual and tailored.

Individual learning or personalised learning can be summarised as personal learning, tailored to suit on person, being an individual the learning can choose to study when they want (ie middle of night), where they want (ie on a airplane), how they want (ie, ipad, laptop) and with who they want (ie forums), which incorporates ubiquitous learning.

The current generation prefers online options to learning, they like technology and the freedom of learning, therefore they will use all their gadgets to learn, this trend is call m-learning and is the preferred method of learning.

Work Cited:

Cope and Kalatzis (2008), 6th Networked Learning Conference (2008). Retrieved from

Wikipedia (2016). Retrieved from

Activity:1:2 Learning styles

VAKOG stands for:


The latter two referring to human sensors. (2016)

Vakog refers to sensory channels, most facilitators have a preferred sensory channel, some prefer to use audio and some visual, their favourite and most preferred teaching method will therefore come through in their teaching style. The way we interact and communicate is based only on VAK, but not O and G as they are sensors.

NLG stands for Neuro Linguistic programming. NLP is defined as a name that encompasses the three most influential components involved in producing human experiences, neurology, language and programming. The neurologic system regulates how our bodies function, language determines how we interact and communicate with other peoples and programming determines the kind of models of the world we create.

NLP University (2016)

VAKOG and NLP are related in the sense NLG is focusing on neuro aspects, ie how the brain functions, in order to process information properly, this links in with how people are taught and learn, people can learn in 5 ways but the main 3 aspects are visual, audio and kinetics from the VAKOG process. Therefore these two methods work hand in hand together to create a learning experience.

Learning styles is an interesting topic, every person is an individual, and therefore learning and responses to teaching are different for every person. Teaching and teaching methods needs to be adapted to the class you are teaching, for example a class of 60 year olds will expect to be taught in a different way to a class of university students. Education and training courses need to take into account the types of training these groups like to receive and adapt the material and methods according.

Work Cited (2016, Feb24). Retrieved from, http://acronmys.thefredictionary/com/VAKOG

NPL University. Retrieved from

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